What does that even mean, and do we want to come together? If you are anything like me, I love people, but I also cringe when a group publicly comes together to bring about change. Maybe not even change, but an event, perhaps? Several thoughts emerge as I delve deeper into my reasons "why" I get a tad anxious about these community gatherings. Personal agendas, attitudes, and overall personality differences cause me to pause and wonder if it is all worth it. Is it worth it? I say yes. Absolutely. Nothing worth fighting for is ever easy. Communities are just that: a group of people living near one another out for a common goal, or as I like to put it, "out for the good of everyone." It brings the Community to the forefront. Communities are never about one person. It's about the good of the community!
In Irresistible Community, Bill Donahue mentions that communities should "strive for progress, not perfection." But what does it take for a community to progress in common goals? Remarkable Culture, written by Coral Sheppard and me, is a culture worthy of attention and fulfills the mission of any organization while transforming everyone in the process. This Remarkable Culture is founded on honor, honesty, and accountability. Being unafraid to have crucial conversations because bringing communities together is essential, and a lot is at stake. If everyone in the community focuses on these few core principles: honor, honesty, and accountability, then those foundations become the focus and not on any one person. Incredible things happen when people agree, and these principles are implemented. Communication is paramount.
Economic Growth and Development are essential to a community's overall health. In the coming weeks, I will discuss what we need to do in a community with vulnerable citizens who have trauma and brokenness, problems with self-medication, addiction, and homelessness. Every community must address these critical issues that people face.
Feel free to share your thoughts and comments or email me at Michele@etcint.org.